It's the year of the TRAIL MOVIE!!!
With Wild scheduled to hit theaters in December and A Walk in the Woods coming out in 2015, I am looking forward to spending some quality time at the movie theater eating buckets of buttery popcorn as I watch other people hike the trail. I've earned that, right?!
And while I am truly looking forward to Robert Redford and Reese Witherspoon take on the role of hiker, I doubt either movie will truly reflect the impact of several weeks and several hundred miles on the trail. So if you want a more authentic retelling of the long-distance story then check out the A.T. Film Tour this fall. They are hitting several cities including DC, Atlanta, Charlotte, Cincinnati and Carlisle, PA to debut the movie The Appalachian Trail: An American Legacy.
Hiker and filmmaker Sam Henegar shares his thoughts on the project:
"Much like hiking, creating this project has been a personal journey for me in that I had a goal in mind, but getting there was uncharted territory. I've had times when I wanted to give up and times of sheer bliss. After spending 5 years developing this documentary, I'm thankful to have it completed, and excited the ATC has chosen to use it in the 2014 Membership Drive!
There is simply no way to capture every facet of the AT into the medium of filmmaking, but I've attempted to capture what I see as the "heart" of the AT. There are many uniquely positive characteristics of the AT that go largely unknown by the public, and one of my goals is to highlight some of those traits in this film.
I believe the AT is a project grounded in good intentions for humanity, and hopefully this is translated onto the screen. I hope it entertains, I hope it inspires, and I hope it will help to continue the priceless legacy of the Appalachian Trail! The film's website is The ATC will receive a portion of all net revenue generated by the film."
Plus, we are hikers so we always like a discount. And if you use the code DAVIS14 to order your tickets HERE, then you will receive $5 off the cover price. Put it towards that popcorn ; )
See you down the trail... or at the movies!
Thanks Jennifer! I bought my ticket for Charlotte.