How to Melt a Frozen Heart

It’s Valentine’ Day week and I know this holiday takes a lot of hits from people who write it off as a Hallmark holiday or an opportunity to make those who are not in a romantic relationship to feel worse. And maybe that’s true, but I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day for reasons completely unrelated to romantic dinners or greeting cards: Valentine’s Day means we’ve made it through the worst of the winter. Also my mom’s maiden name and my given middle name is Valentine. Finally, if we are going to celebrate anything at any point, should it not be love?! 

Now my love language is warmth. I’m not against chocolate, flowers, or fine jewelry. But I tend to be my best self when I’m balmy. And whether you need to thaw out a bad attitude or thaw out from cold temps, for those who need a little motivation with gifts and ideas for Valentine’s Day – regardless of relationship status - this blog’s for you. 

Valentine's Day Gift & Activity Ideas:

1. Water Baby - You know how when you’re camping in frosty conditions, putting a Nalgene of hot water in your sleeping bag can help you stay toasty through the night? Well, there happens to be an at home version of this as well. This was my first winter having a flexible FASHY hot water bottle* on my lap and it made all the difference in the world. It was like a portable heating pad. I put it under my covers at night, behind my back at my work desk, I found myself more or less carrying it around throughout the day. I was hugging it so much during the winter that my family started calling it “water baby.” And it was. I snuggled it for added warmth all winter. It didn’t hurt that one of our friends knitted an adorable cover for my water bladder that kept it from being too hot against my skin while also keeping it warm longer.

2. Florida Day – I always joke (with some truth sprinkled in) that I want to snowbird to Florida each winter. But for the foreseeable future I will be wintering at home in Asheville. This winter we started the new tradition of bringing Florida to the mountains with “Florida Day.” As far as I know, this new informal holiday has only been celebrated by our family and friends. But it has legs! And we are willing to share. The premise is simple… you just pretend that for one night of cold dark winter… you are not at home, but rather in Florida. Our team celebrated this mental break from reality with festive wear, a Jimmy Buffett meets Flo Rida playlist, Florida finger foods (shrimp cocktail, anyone?), and pina coladas complete with paper umbrellas. Then we read aloud the internet’s top “Florida Man” stories (ie, “Florida Woman leads deputies on chase in stolen ambulance,” “Florida Man buys mask at gas station to burglarize bank across the street,” “Florida Man had hours-long junk food feast inside closed Walgreens, police say” before being inspired to take Florida Day “mug shots” in front of a homemade mug shot measurement backdrop. 

3. Sock it to meAnother of  my winter “must haves” is my wool socks.* I wear them all year and especially on all my multi-day trail adventures but they are even more loved between Thanksgiving and Easter. The only reason I take them off is to shower. I am not exaggerating. I have loved my socks even more this winter than most because each time I look at them I am reminded of how my favorite brand, Farm to Feet, donated more than $55,000 worth of their stock to Hurricane Helene Relief – and they sent product and donations to the CA wildfires too. Not to mention,  they are made with 100% renewable energy, are all American made, and manufactured in North Carolina. Did I mention I really love my socks? 

4. Honey Boo Boo – Did you know that honey is a cure for wounds and an immune booster and that it can help mitigate seasonal allergies? It is a miracle food – and so delicious. My go-to drink this winter is to squeeze a slice of lemon into hot water and stir in a spoonful of honey. Bees are also critical pollinators for flowers. So support the bees- not to mention your local farmers - and boost your health with local honey. Even better, pair a jar of local honey with a handmade mug from a local potter and you have an awesome gift for someone you love. 

5. Hit the Trails – I’m not sure that my husband and I are doing anything special this Valentine’s Day besides going to parent teacher conferences and eating dinner at home with our kids (with “water baby” and a cup of hot lemon and honey). But if we do have time to fit in something special, it will be a hike or a run. We usually like to skip out on restaurants and reservations and just spend time together outdoors. And if we can’t swing time together, then we give each other the gift of getting in some solo miles. Our bodies and a gift and so is spending time in nature and instead of adding to the collection of things that we already own, sometimes the best gift is to set aside time to appreciate the gifts that you already have.

So whether you are giving yourself a little extra love this years, celebrating your close female friends with a “Galentine’s day” gathering (Leslie Knope, anyone!?), snuggling up with your kids, taking your parents out to dinner, or celebrating with a solemate, I hope these gift ideas add a little fun (and a few degrees of warmth!) to your February 14th. And remember, chocolate goes on sale the day after!

About the Author: Jennifer is an Adventurer, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and mom of two who has a Masters in Public Affairs and a husband that plays bluegrass. Her blog focuses on life as she experiences it with a focus on Outdoor Adventure, Business, Public Affairs, Family, and Faith. To book Jennifer as a speaker for your next event, click here or call (615) 708-4301.

*Our preference is to always shop local, independent, and mom and pop shops when possible! And when it's not possible, these items are available for purchase on Amazon using affiliate links.