I let my son cut my hair, and...
The beauty industry is a 650 BILLION dollar beast with significant environmental impact. We are marketed and manipulated to feel like we have to look a certain way. If you want to go all in on beauty like I go all in on hiking, do it. But we can all step back and consider the impact it has on our day and on our environment so we can make the choices that best align with our values.
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Navigating the Next Four Years
High School is more than the sum of a college application and America is more than a political cycle. Whether your next four years are filled with pop quizzes or policies, working towards a dream or feeling exhausted by reality, let us not forget the full spectrum of experiences occurring everywhere, all at once, and create a world that has space for it all.
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From the Flood to the Fire: 6 Tips for Responding to Natural Disasters
Before Helene, I approached the news of natural disasters with a sense of disbelief and disassociation, but I have since experienced… help. SO. MUCH. HELP. I have experienced all the countless ways that people have made a positive difference in our community and for our family and I feel more empowered and better equipped to engage in the recovery efforts in Los Angeles and beyond.
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Manatees, Sandhill Cranes, and Winter Adventure - Southern Style
I hope that this blog inspires some outdoor time, highlights some of the awesome experiences available in the Southeast, helps with planning your outdoor travel, and increases awareness and advocacy for some of the incredible animals that live in our region. Regardless of whether you are a snowbird or snow bunny, there are countless parks and critters to visit during the winter season!
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