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Go, dolphin, go!!

By Jennifer

We are not all going to be dolphin trainers and wildlife biologists. Some of us are going to spend most of our time and energy caring for our families. And the intersection of it all is that people who are well-cared for are better able to care for others - and the environment. 

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Agreeing to Agree and Not Losing Your Mind

By Jennifer

When it comes to our current political and cultural disagreements and challenges, at the root of it, don’t we all want the same things? Don’t we all want to take care of what we love? Don’t we all want to keep our kids and communities safe and have decent opportunities??

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By Jennifer

Making it through breakfast on a school morning is a major accomplishment. You get up when you’re not ready then wake up your kids, who really aren’t ready either. You get dressed in something that makes you look more “put together” than you feel, then try to convince your kid to wear clean clothes that are not on backwards or inside out, and not too hot or too cold for the current weather forecast. 

You try to make a breakfast that is quick and nutritious - and that your kids will actually eat. Then you have to convince them to sit down at the table and spoon some reasonable number of calories into their mouths. Just when you think you’ve done it, when you’re finally there and both kids have utensils in hand, food a few inches from their mouths… at that exact moment, one kid will say something to upset the other. 

The spoon drops, milk splatters, voices rise, and tears roll. Fifteen minutes, later you are ushering them into the car with unkempt hair, handing them granola bars because they didn’t eat anything on their plates. 

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America, All of It, The Whole Shebang

By Jennifer

When I hit my middle-age, mid-career crisis, I didn’t want a sports car and I didn’t rethink all my life choices. I just knew I wanted to use the second half to do more to protect the places that I loved. As the owner of an outfitter and guide service, as well as an author and speaker, I felt like a cheerleader for conservation and a catalyst for engagement. But I also wanted the tools and understanding to sit at a table and help make decisions. I wanted to be able to advocate for these places with deeper knowledge and a stronger voice. 


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The '24 Olympics - We Needed That!

By Jennifer

Have we ever needed the Olympics more?!

It’s been a weird and very isolating 8 years politically and with a pandemic. I give Tokyo props for pulling it off in 2021, but this Olympics has showed us what it looks like to come back together and really cheer for one another. Thank you for reminding us how to strive for our best, how to hug our opponents, and how to cry – be it with joy or sorrow, it all was such a needed release. 

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