Election Day
Today is the day.
There is relief that it is here.
There is relief that it is over.
We made it.
And… there is dread.
Half fear one outcome. Half fear the other.
The polls and odds say it could go either way.
After you cast your vote. There is nothing you can do to change the outcome.
Or is there?
You can choose what to believe about the other side.
You can choose to see the them as misogynistic racists.
You can choose to see the them as intolerant socialists.
You can choose to see them as not as smart, not as educated, not as holy, not as patriotic, and not as good as you.
You can choose to cancel them.
Or… you can listen.
You can learn why that person voted that way.
You can be in community with people who act, think, and vote differently from you.
You can love your country – and 50% of the population.
Or, you can just love your country.
You can fight for your side, your causes and your beliefs. And you should.
You can work toward a better tomorrow. I hope you do.
You can do everything in your power to hold on to what is important and bring about what is good.
And you can do it without hate, shame or self-righteousness.
You get to vote. Go vote!
Red or blue - or another bubble.
You can write people in. You can write people off.
You can shout your decision. You can not tell a soul.
But your decision - our future - does not stop there.
There is a chance your candidate will win.
There is a chance your candidate will lose.
You cannot change the results. You can choose how to respond.
It is up to you to believe the worst or to see the best.
And that will also determine our future.
In more ways than one.
I will not allow a fearful mind to divide me from my neighbors. Thank you for this thoughtful write up.