I recently finished the book, “Walking with Spring.” The book is a hiking memoir by Earl Shaffer, the first Appalachian Trail thru-hiker. Shaffer recounts his thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in 1948, a journey spurred by the hope that a long trail might be enough to help “walk off the war.” The book didn’t talk much about combat or PTSD, but it was a very interesting account of what the A.T. was like 67 years ago.
I’m not sure this book would be as meaningful to folks who have not hiked the trail, but I loved Shaffer’s detailed recall and the recounting of spots and experiences along his journey. Here are some of my favorite quotes and quips from his book.
- My motto is, “Carry as little as possible. But choose that little with care.”
- (North Georgia) was a well-watered region of dense laurel thicket, ideal for the making of “Mountain Dew.” A certain odor soon was evident and you can be sure I didn’t linger or look to right or left.
- From that time on my strength increased and so did my food bill.
- The choice was to backtrack or to bushwhack up the steep, high, slope, which is what I chose and thereby jeopardized the entire expedition, instead of saving time.
- Most people never in all their lives sleep under the open sky, and never realize what they are missing.
- One advantage, more or less, in backpacking is that when you have less food for strength you also have less weight to carry.
- “A rattlesnake’s a gentleman, he’ll sing and let you know he’s there, but a copperhead just lays there and lashes out at ye.”
- Dozens of people were on the overlook, admiring the view. I felt detached from them, like a stranger in a far country.
- Mention of the Trail brought on a discussion as to the proper pronunciation of Appalachian. The lady, who spoke with a Deep Southern accent, used the pronunciation derived from the Appalachee Indian Tribe, the original source. The man, definitely a northerner, said she would think so, coming from the South were, “They always mess up the language.” I agreed with her but didn’t say so.
- Cutting a tree is almost like killing an animal and neither should be done without good reason.
- Actually, the danger of snakebite is almost nil on the Appalachian Trail. The greatest danger is crossing a busy highway, especially a four lane.
- “What are these, the Appalachians or the Rockies? My feet feel like hamburgers.”
- “Sun and wind and the sound of rain - Hunger and thirst and strife – God, to be on the trail again – With a grip on the mane of life.”
- The rain kept on and so did I.
- Someone has said that if you don’t like the weather in the Appalachians, just wait a while and it will change.
- Fishing and long distance hiking don’t combine very well.
- The highlands of New Hampshire have a bleak ruggedness that commands the respect of the hardiest mountaineer.
- Most people will pay to ride, rather than walk, even to the top of a mountain.
- When I left the signs of my presence were so slight that the next rain would remove them. Like the Indians, I say, “Where I go, I leave no sign.”
- Trail-hiking had become my way of life. Civilization seemed like a sham.
thanks for sharing,
jim not bill